Well it finally happen... We replace our A/C and heater... David and Greg (a friend of Davids who is an A/C person) worked all day Saturday on pulling the old out and putting the new in... it is huge compared to what we had :) Fathers day was very mellow... We went to lunch with Trey and his girlfriends family good food and good company. Then we came home and waited for Kyle to get home from Jarretts ( he went with Chery and Maegan so yes he bailed out on helping Saturday) then we went to Heather and Chris' I have not been there very nice home and neighborhood.. the park is at the end of their street and the pool is not to far. The twins are growing and doing so well. Heather cooked for the first time all by herself she had been up since 5 am and had the 4 kids by herself what a woman. Amy is coming to help me finish Treys room this afternoon...woo hoo....
Monday, June 16, 2008
Monday, June 9, 2008
School is OUT...
It is hard to believe, Matthew is married and off in Hawaii, Kyle is a Sr. and Trey is a Jr. WOW... Kyle has a new job on the horizon I am praying he gets it... it will be at Lowes working from 5 am to 2 pm Monday thru Friday hopefully it works out. Trey is applying at a new place here called Kart Track he has an interview on Wednesday so hopefully that will work out for him as well. Kyle did OUTSTANDING on the TAKS test.. although he has to retake several he was very close to passing which is wonderful consdiering the "No child left behind law" really screwed him (sorry about the language but that is as nice as I could put it). David's sister Susan and her daughter and possibly Davids brothers daughter Allie are coming for a month in June thru July. Kera will be home on the 20th thur the 9th. We are so excited to get to see and visit. David is being a good hubby and helping me get the house ready for company :) Well better get back to work.
Posted by Kimberly at 11:58 AM 0 comments