Friday, August 29, 2008

Marcus Football

It was so stinking HOT.... as usuaslly when you are the visitor you sit facing the sun.. well I have a nice suntan on my face. Treys team won 28 to 0. He plays center for the JV silver team (equilvent to a sophmore team even though he is a junior, the sophmore center was hurt and they ask Trey to move to the JV silver team 1st string he was happy to move he gets alot of playing time). David did not get to attend the game was at 5:30 in Mansfield, but I kept him posted. The boys will go to the Varisty game tonight we play Grapevine. What will I do with myself?

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Just for you Dad

My dad just call and said what is that smudge all over you blog? I don't know I say... He said well take it off... so just for dad I change my blog :) Now I have to pick something that has meaning right well you guessed it MARCUS FOOTBALL.... not quite the right colors since they are really Red and Silver but they do have alot of black in the uniforms too... Trey plays his first game tonight. Terri (Treys girlfriends mom) and I are riding together to Mansfield... Kera went with me last year to this game... fun times great memories. I will let you know how the games goes.

Monday, August 25, 2008

1st Day of School

Trey was up and gone by 7 am (football) I cannot believe they are making them go workout on the first day of school... he just seemed like it was another day I did not take his picture because he was in the workout clothes... he will be in them when he comes home too I don't even know what he is wearing today. Kyle of course was in bed until the last second, jumped into the shower and out the door in a flash so no picture of him either maybe I will get one this afternoon. Yesterday Christina, Jodi and I went to each of the kids campus' and prayed. Man did I cry we started at Marcus found a scripture I am going to keep with me this year and pray for the boys. We pray for all the kids and staff but I did throw in a prayer for Lindsey as she starts her soph. year. I did get myself together until we prayed for Timmy.. he starts Kindergarden this year wow, I met Christina while he was still in her belly :) The cool thing that she shared is that Childrens Med. Center called asking them to be a part of the ACE program which is After the Cancer Experience ... how awesome is HE for healing that sweet boy. Jodi seems to be in a good place and we had wonderful moving conversation that I really needed.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Kyle :)

Kyle will officially start his senior year on Monday. I am so proud of what he has overcame in the last 13 years. He is thinking about going to a community college and about fire fighting school. He has struggled so much in school I am so proud that he stuck it out. I think he will do well with whatever he chooses to do. He is so funny he is having everyone sign the back of his door this year and what David wrote made me cry, I will probably do alot of that this year. We are still not sure about his schedule he only has english, history and a speech class to finish and it look like he will be done in January with school. Treys schedule is very basic english, math, social studies, science, spanish 1 and 2 and football... that is about it until next time have a blessed day.

Monday, August 11, 2008


This fine rainy Monday morning Trey starts two a days for football he has to be there at like 6am until 10 am and back up there at 3:30pm until like 7pm I guess. Well I thought I will go to work the other way and see if they are on the field... oh yes they were and so was the Ambulance... my heart dropped to my stomach and the firetruck was in the parking lot so I circled around and thought ***will they call? what do I do to find out if it is Trey, so I call Lindseys mom and ask her if it is Trey that got hurt would Lindsey call, Terri said yes she would have she does have her phone. Lindsey is a trainer for Marcus so she is on the field while the team is at practice so it was her first day too..It was not Trey who got hurt but.... Thank Goodness from what I understand the boys knee dislocated and he was ok.. Pray for him to have a speedy recovery. Kyle is looking for another job and really has no ambition at this point pray for him to get some :) David's sales are droping fast since the other store opened I have to put my mind in the supportive mode now he will recover it he has in the past. The weather is suppose to be in the 90's I am so thankful I think the 100's was about to do me in, I was tired of sitting inside, so if it is not raining I will be outside woo hoo.... have a great week love to all.