We still don't know anything on Matthew, like when he gets to leave Goodfellow. I will let everyone know as soon as we know something. David has his review today, pray that goes well. He works so hard and such long hours. He now has the RM he had year before last... and they really don't get along to well so it makes for a cranky David :( anyway just pray that they both can see the advantage in each other and put aside the differences. Kyle is in hot pursuite of a girl he is so tight lipped we don't know to much, Trey on the other hand has a super sweet girlfriend named Lindsey she is super shy but I have gotton to know her mom and she is a great mom. Lindsey turned 15 in November and this is her first boyfriend that drives... so this is funny ...Lindseys mom follows them like Trey will go pick her up and go to the movies... her mom is behind them. Her mom loves Trey which is good. She has offered to help with the reheasal dinner I am excited she brought me somethings to borrow like a bucket to put drinks in and a big glass thing to put tea or something like that in. Kera and Michelle are on there way to San Angelo for the weekend, I was suppose to go and sign some papers for James but they wont be ready so I opted out, on the incase Matthew does get to graduate on Thursday. Pray for the girls to be safe on this busy weekend on the highway... Wishing everyone a blessed Easter and I feel like I need to keep this scripture with me this weekend so i thought I would share it. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and keep my laws (Ezekiel 36:26-27).
It's been a really long time!!!
13 years ago
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