Nothing much went on this weekend. David worked Saturday I think his last saturday off was Oct. 11th, since then he has only had Sundays off hopefully he will have next Saturday off. He will be leaving December the 7th and wont be back until December 14th so it will be nice to have him home for a weekend. Helped Amy a little this weekend Daniell was out of town and that is really it.Found a new walking path hopefully the storms that are suppose to happen so I can take that walk tonight it was very peaceful. Kyle and I had a rough Friday but all is better let see how long it last.... My prayer for him is that even though we don't know what the future holds for us, that he trust in Jesus even when the path is dark and hard to understand and that He will light His path for Kyle maybe just even a little will give Kyle some peace about what his choices he will be making in the next few months and that he will be on the right path.
It's been a really long time!!!
13 years ago
ok the storms that are suppose to happen that they are over by the time I am wanting to go for my walk
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